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How do I download Microsoft Teams (work or school)
How do I download Microsoft Teams (work or school)

Download link for Teams Classic 64bit - Microsoft Community
On the Frequently asked questions, you can find the next link to download the classic teams for Windows or Mac

New Teams Download Link has changed from MSTeams-x64.msix to ...
However, it's important to note that our community team and the Microsoft product development team operate independently. These decisions are made by the Microsoft product development team. It might be beneficial to contact Microsoft support for finding the root cause why have Microsoft decided to suddenly go against their guidance of ...

Where do I download the new Microsoft Teams for desktop 64-bit ...
Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another.

How do I talk to a live person for customer service?
Please Note: The Chat support team only works at certain times, so if the last window says you are not available, try to open it again the next day. If you prefer phone support, you can leave a phone number.

My Teams status is showing Available Out of Office. How can I change ...
3. Set Status Message: Go to your profile at the top of Teams. Click Set status message. Then, type the message that you want to show to other people in the box. Click Done and Teams will refresh. You may now delete the message 4. Check Teams Online: Have you tried to change the status via MS Team online?

MS Teams unknown User @invalid.teams.ms - Microsoft Community
Hi Team, MS Teams unknown User @invalid.teams.ms. These user are external user and it was working a couple weeks and this issue happend. I still see status of this user. What is the route cause of this issue and what action could cause this issue. Thanks in advance.

How to test microphone and camera in Teams? - Microsoft Community
Hi Michael, If you have a paid version of Teams you should be able to use the "Make a test call" feature. (Instructions from Marquette Univ

How to view results of a Poll in Microsoft Teams?
I created a Poll using the Polls app in Microsoft Teams. I added the poll in the General channel of a Team. The other members of the team are able to "vote" and use the poll without issue. However, as the "owner," I am unable to view the results.

Can I restore a deleted chat/conversation in Microsoft Teams.?
Hi Kanimozhi Soundararajan, Hopefully, the information below will help. If you have deleted a chat or conversation in Microsoft Teams application two days ago, you may be wond

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